Cloud Computing

Hardware as a Service  Hosted Email  Backup & Storage

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing can drastically increase business productivity and efficiency of workflow – but only when it’s properly integrated and planned. At Hi-Tech, we design your cloud computing system around your business needs and constraints. This ensures the highest level of benefit to your workflow.

We’re experts in a number of cloud computing software programs, including Microsoft Office 365 and hosted email services. Our team offers hardware as a service and comprehensive cloud computing backup and storage capabilities that can be implemented throughout Alberta and British Columbia from our offices in Grande Prairie, Dawson Creek, and Peace River. This includes service to Calgary, Kamloops, and other regions.

For a full sense of our cloud computing capabilities, give our office a call or email us at

A highly productive staff member uses 6 monitors to display data from cloud applications

Hardware as a Service (Cloud Servers)

Save yourself the cost of a server. With hardware as a service, we create virtual office environments. This service uses a remotely hosted server in a highly reliable data centre. Your business benefits from high-end technology that streamlines your company, without having to invest in the expensive equipment required for in-house setup.

To learn more about hardware as a service, call our office today.

Hosted Email

The less you have to think about the technicalities behind your emails, the better. Our experienced technicians provide reliable and flexible email hosting services for your entire company, guaranteeing you and your emails can spend the day working.

Our techs set up and manage emails for businesses with one employee to businesses with thousands. With our diverse team of techs, your team is free of delays with setup and installation. It also means we safeguard your email accounts with the industry-leading anti-virus and spam protection.

In return, you save both time and money – and never have to sort through your spam again.

Backup & Storage

At Hi-Tech, we designed our data backup and storage solutions specifically for small to medium-sized businesses in Alberta and BC. This means structuring a backup and storage system that eases your company’s workflow instead of hindering.

Entrust Hi-Tech to find the right backup and storage solution to fit your business. Using our experienced team, we take your entire business structure into consideration before making a storage-solution suggestion. From there, we handle the installation and maintenance of your backup and storage solution.

A properly integrated cloud computing backup and storage system provides you with peace of mind. With Hi-Tech providing a flexible data backup solution, you know your business needs are taken care of.

Chat with one of our professional techs today.